Windows 10 users generally must purchase a new GPS Puck specifically configured for Windows 10. For Example, the BU-353 which works with earlier versions of Windows does not work without an elaborate work around involving preventing automatic update of Prolific USB drivers by the OS. It is far easier and more reliable to simply purchase another Windows 10 compatible GPS Puck (similar to the BU-353 S4) and use the associated drivers.
NMEA has traditionally been implemented as a serial protocol and therefore, even if a USB connection is used, there needs to be a USB to Serial Port conversion. The specific driver for the each GPS receiver will handle this conversion.
Gstar Iv Gps Driver 14
If you change the USB port for the GPS receiver Prolific will reassign the COM port number. This will require repeating steps 4-12 above. If you are having trouble with Prolific drivers and an Error Code, try reading this page
Attaching a GPS device to a Mac is done via one of the USB ports. Whether using a device with its own USB lead or via a serial-USB adapter lead or an NMEA multiplexer with USB port, the appropriate OS X driver needs to be installed. Nearly all hardware uses one of just two chip makes: those from FTDI or Prolific. Both those companies make OS X drivers available on their web sites, but manufacturers of GPS devices usually package the driver with device.
Note: If you are using a USB connection, you may need to first install a driver for your GPS device. Drivers can be found on the CD that came with your device, or downloaded from the device manufacturer's web site.
Note: Before proceeding with the instructions below ensure the BU-353 is the only serial device connected to your computer and that the driver for the device has been installed. Click here for instructions for installing the GlobalSat BU-353 driver.
The source code (Verilog) for the USRP X300/X310 is available in the UHD repository. The build process leverages the existing CMAKE build system used to compile the host-side driver. A Linux-based setup will provide the best results.
Driver Lift Queue module adds support for tracking container lifts and drivers in yard. The module provides visual queues for the lift operators and security to ensure what chassis drivers have on the out gate.
Yes exactly first step is to check dmesg to see that the USB-serial drivers came up. In some cases a GPS is an ACM device and in others it is a ttyUSB. Like most USB devices a good way to analyze what drivers are needed is to plug the device into a desktop Linux (since they have almost all possible drivers built in already) and check dmesg there.
WANTED-EHELPNAus.WANIED--A BWM YOUNG MAN T0 LEAI2d 119 the wlaer zmants; tm.i.n frotea gnn FPr aeV m, ete., adiremSTUDENT, Star . ItWANUM- I"YMM'T IN ANY Cw611ICIby a ralable Wan; wl we his but ofI fr bb Iterest@; reffsoeneeAddress eLe. 1t*WAMRED-AN LIDUNBIOUS MAN. OF Oaida... reeovr 4 years ot ae. a. aveme-saw st..elapying Position to tlbribt p at; mont -elass reou"a.d se.tY. A ,ply Bom . Mutc...- bkith and D sa. .w. ItWANZE1-AG1UT SVI AMURIM: MINMama busttorbsls k amet world; smpleis cesta. B8;K O., 144 Center St..Mw Te1. itWANWTZ -UARam)M BOY- MU t BE WMLgeusmms.d.m Amly at ILSYME RSUfM & O,my r RLitWANED-AG TB; $ UAILY SURE' EVEbattag tableware; cannot wowr out; lm czsaetly like siver; write today for ftaR intrmatiO. catalogue and start. ALUMiNUM NOVELTY MO. 33 Brondway, New Ylkdoe7-A13Wv1ANTED-AnmmIOUS YOUNG MAN OR LADiJi every county to take nmnurgement and repremat a New York firm to dealers to ther locali,L 0 and up per year. Address783. New York. ItuwANTrD-A MAN FOR GENERAL. HOUSEWORIand waiting an table; am who lives near Comneeticut ave. and can bring goad references fogcapablilty: in be wet and good-tempered;rages. *16 a month. Address L';SJDE MAX,Star .ice. it*WANrn esl r & TO SE.L CIGARS Tdealers; $10 mantily -and empenes; ex eusmecessary. Cr.DITON CIGAR CO., SoClint n wt., Chicago. itrANrED--:Az L COARU ) BOYS, ABOUT l.years old. " door boys. THE PALAIS ROYALear. G and 11th stn. ItWANTFJ)-GENT.EMAN. GOOD ADDREl26 ANIedneation, to manage; $18 per week. Call at 10:30. C. E. LIPSIOMB, 1486 F at. n.w.upstaIrs 1t*WANTEI-CAPABLE MAN WITH $600 ZASH Tmamage branch ilice at Washington. for re.liable frm; salary, $1,210 trat year; commercialreferences furnished: mey fully secured. Ad.dre P. 0. Box 312, Philadelpia. Pa. ItWANTED-A YOUNG MAN IN AN OFFICE:must write a good hand and have good referewnce; graduate of the High School preferred.Address Ban 165. Star ofice. ee07-2tWANTED--AGENTS MAKE $6 TO $18 A DAllotrodecng the "Comet," the only $1 pnap shecamerm amde. The greatest seller of the centurygeneral and local agents wanted all over theworld. Exclusive territory. Write today foxterms and samples. AIEN-GLEAON 0) 1ACrome. Wis. OeT-aswit*WA-NTED-30 A WEEK PAID LADlm ANIDgenta to sell our specialties and the Rapid DishWasher; washes and dries them In 3 minuteswithout wetting hants: a child can operate; neverbreak* a dish; price low; sells at might; everybody buys; permanent poatioa for all who write.Uarrings & CA., Clerk 18, Columbus 0.WANTEE)-A FIRST'.&ASS MAT 0UTTER WHCunderstands the bsniness in all at Its branchesstate experience and where last empLyedsalary expected. Address MMAT, Star 4*Ce.WANTED - A SC1CHMAN OR ENGI-1SIMA3who understands gardening and the care of take care of country place of 21 acres near thecity; must have some family. Address Boom 8,Central Power Statism. oeI5-3a*WANTED-SIX TIN ROOFERS. APPLY AT ONCE1408 Pa. ave. n.w., A. W. WARD. eC15-3t*WA.N1D--TRAVELiNG SAL.1MEN FOR CI.gars; old reliable bome; experience unnecessary;extra inducementa to customers; $75 to $150 pouam nth and expernee. CHAS. C. BISIIOP aCO.. St. Louis. ee10-eolmWANTED - GENERAL AGENTS TO EMPLOimen, manage bouiness and collect, auminmnsigns. advertising novelties; $4 day eastly made.ALUMINUM SIGN NOVELTY CO.. Coumbus,Obto. oclo-slawatWANTED-AGENTS. $2000 A WEE SURE TIworkers. No capital needed. New goods. NewSeft at might. Every famay needs it. H.MD., Box 424, Cincinnati, Ohio. je20-%,26WANTED-3* WEEKLY AND EXPENSE&, INEK-ruced men less, to show our eigars; best Inments to dealers. FOLK RITCHIE & CO.,St. Louis. oc14&17WANTEM-FOR U. 4. ARMY, ABLB-BODIM),aMmarried men, between ages of 21 and 30, eIVnen of the United States, of good character andtempe te habits, who can speak, read and writeha For information apply, preferably byletter, to RECLRUITING OFFICER, WashingtonBarracks, D. C., or Fort Myer, Va.2y18-%awtooc31FEM A Er.WANTIED-sETiLED WOMAN TO COOK. WASHand Iron for sCuM family. Call Rtoom 1A),Washington LAMn and Trust builing. 1i*WANTED-COMPETENT 4)OK, $W; WHITEtook for two. $15; 2 children's nurses. $14. $18;chanbermaid; 3 general workers. All kinds hotelhelp. EMPLAYMENT EXCHANGE, 614 13th n.y.oel7-11t*WANTED---A FIVIf'-CLAV% WHITE WOMANcook and a laundred,. with best city references.Aply lIt= 16th st. i.w. oc17-3t*WANTED-A GOVERtNES FOR YOUNG GIRlT;French arA music Indispensable. Apply or address Mrs. X. BLAIR. Benning. D. . 1t*WANTED-EXPE=RENCED SALERLADIEM; NotLera need apply. MAYER BRti, & CO.. 107P wt. itWAN TE-EXPERIEN'TD YOUNG LADY ATtoilet caunter; most have references. Apply between 7 and 8 TONIEAHT or before 10 a.m. Monday. MERTZ'S MODERtN PHARMACY, 11th andF ts- itWANTED-A YOUNG WhIrE GIRL TO ASILiiin takine care of child; must stay nights; refer.eare required. 1214 N at. n.w. 1tWANTED-EXPERIECED MILLINERS. APPLYPARIsIAN FLOWER COMPANY, 1109 F at. n.w.WArED SAIENLADIES AT REINHARIYr"S. 9107th 'st. lose 6 p.m.. except Saturday. oc13&l?WANTED-WHITE COOK, AIO CHAMBERMAIDwho is a good laundress; city references uired.Apply at 13W Coum. ave. oc1U t*WANTEI:-DETECTIV, EMALE); MUST COMEwell recommended. Address OLIVE, Star oolee.ocl5-2h*NALE OR FEMALE.WANTE).--0LiritOR FOR A VALUABLE NEWhook- "In 8ites and Is Hlealth"-1 valiume,over 1.000 pages: compied by the heat medicalauthors; also agents for "Jaonon's Cyclopaedlia.the latest and umt reliable; sold on its merits,not by decepttve booming methods. D. APPLETON & CO)., 43T 7th at. n.w., 2d floor. oc17-3tWANTED-CANVASSERS FOR A POPULAllWashlutes newspper. flare chance for indos.triais parties. Lbrlsalaries paid. Aindresa alonce .?OURNALIST, Star ofice. oc15-3t*WANE-MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK FOlon day or evenag at their homes; nice pleasantcek; no canvassng; experience not necemsry;we pay salary. BTANDARD MPG. CO., 14.2 W.23d it., New York. se12-lawlt*WANED-EEOGRPBEM ND uBIXGTO.Nwritr oeraersdircte toposlioss; EMYERSproidedammeten stnagrphers andypewrlter Oce, 6th and F sin. nmw. 1.tWANTED - StENOGRAPHERS AND "CA&,,a. .'Denm-,re'' or- **Yt" opeate. Iaras provided with osmpetet ssraeeatypewriter operators free of charge.UNI.IT'YPUWRiE AND SUPPL CO., 12 F at.anw. *h11-tfWANTED-ROOMS.WANTEN)-4 UNFURNIIHED ROOMS, 21) FILOR l,suitable for lgt hoonok-ping; adults; southwestpreferred. Adress E. R. Hi., 1010 C st. sw. It'WANTED-To RtITT, BY NOV. 20, 5 OR 6 ROO0118for light hoosekeeping; er seml house, ountrailllocated. Address, with particular., M. D., Stasae-. 1t*WANTED-FE It OR FIVE FURNISHED R003Ifor light boonekeeping, west of 1-4th at. and mnrIet I at. Address V. W., Star oce; ref.. oxchanged- 1t*WANTED--THRER OR FOUR UNFURNISHI:rooma by two adults. Address, with all partie.alarm and price, L. d. B., Star eoee. It*WAhTW-3 OR 4 UNFURNlSHED ROOMS, Ohsend floor, Ia nw., flor Hlted bossekengive pie and fail psrtlasn. Address EStar ale- ac17-2t*WANTEE-By GUITL.ENAN AND WISPEASamt, somy room, with bod oard, on Nov. 1, Isnorthwest bet. 11th and 2th sts.; state terms, nolte esceed $55 or $60, good references given; prmomet if satsf-tory. Addrs R.E ., Sear aeserl7-2t*WA.TEDA 4-R00M HOUSEorms'PING FLATbeat, light and bath; permannt teesat; rest aolttsg Anewer eplicitly, Room 4,AtWANTED-2 2D-SWORY FREKT ROOMS; UNFUR.and bested, with bessd for 3; bet. F and P and0th and 14th sen.; state emambe-- af house andgsre. Address P. D).. Star aes. ee3-3tWA EDBY A SINGLE GEE6TLMAN FUR.--..fet a .. bon t.. r.... .itL bethhieated bet. H and P sin., senr Cees. ave.- wiltab. Ier-se for S onths if desired; state locatiosand prire. D). T. S., Star ale. ne16.3tWANTED--BY NOV. 1. 2 OR a OsNICiiATI,-isinms, fur, or adhr., with or withcot boad:"-em'* if salted; nvw. part et elty; pivatimy -m e. each. Adrsa, statlqensms c.B.liar se. oeIS-ateWATEDLil YOUR ROOMS WrrH US; N(ebr asess vs necae tes ; collect rsnt;diMRAan, Ese 35Pa. awe. 'oeiWANT=D-ROcKSs AND BOARD--WE Wii rn. and board for gps.,o the .cfe.dpsar; private homn eiwe rates n lew asmy be sembeith gosd apemsoatbes wilCHIROPODIST.some am TOO OWTE COME WIrEu nwabss; bu srabt and prevent this. We sadese s1ess ho st bay and k feet ceuife-tsalet Orms eta. Pret. 5.& SON Cur..me1115 Pa. ave,WANTED-SITUATIONS.NEasIWANTMA-BY MAN OF 2 EAM, PSIRTION ASbookkeeper or clerk In some slce or whalsalehome, whe he ty and strict aitnnan to busda wUil be appreelated. Addeess B. B. X.,Star ne. - - - - itWANTED-BY A YOUNG nwAO OED MAN, AVle- to do gerabo wk ilinlik -refermenes. Adess 3. L. C, UN 16th st.o6-2*WANTUE)-BITUATIONS FOR 2 W iTiEl a COx,end 'nsbamn; a white, 5 asilaed butIers; 2 SAsm last an eplers M Be toterview@d. NPIOYMENT EXCHANGE, 414 Ith a.w.oe16-19d*WANTED -.BOOKE DOUBLE-ENTRY,ar ; highne reforeres. Address134, etr Be. om16-8t*WANTED-BY A RrTABLE COLORED MAN,the situation of better to private etnl; can bese at his present employer's bose, 2013 1 at.lLw., fron 10 to 12 am. eel-3t*]FmALE.WANTED-TYPEWRITUNG BY EXPERIIENCIDoperator; * cents per one hundred words. Addrem Miss A. L.Q., Star allie. 1t*'WANTED-BY A YOUNG LADY, POSITION. ASstinrgra and typewriter; can tarnisb referse& will work fbr smmB salary. AddressMISS G., Star ofce. le*WANTED-I DESIRE TO SECURB A PLACE FORa art-class settled colored woman, competent Inevery branch. For information call on or addressJAMES L BE.L. City Post Oce. fe*WANTED-BY A GENTE!L COORE GIRl Achambermaid and waitress, place in private famly. lan 1618 L at. u.w. City referenee. ceT-26sWAhNT)--PLACEZS IOR 3 FIRfT-CLASS WHITEand 6 colored cooks, $12 to $35; white hundress,; 3 cored hronulreses, 2 ladles' maids, $20,chambernralds and seamstresses. $14 toF;German couple as cook and better; 5 chambernalds and waitresses, $10 to $18; 3 waitresses,$15 to $20; 5 rurses, $12 to $20; T olored general workers; 1 German, I Swede girls to assistwith children or housework; city refts. LAIES'EXCHANGE, 614 13th at. nw. . oeT-2t*WANTED-BY A NEAT WHITE GIRL, A SITUAtion in store, lunch reoo or boarding house. Address L. M. C., Star office. i*WANTED-ALL P'EtISONS WHO 'ARE LOOKINGfor Brat-class white and colored cooks and generalhelp to call at MISSION OFFICE, 1228 N at. n.w.; also rookitg lessons given. 1b'WANTED-BY A HR!B4.K?1ABLE COLORED WOman, place as Arat-class cook. Call or address1186 1st at. u.w. . - 1.WANTED-A YOUNG LADY OF EXPERIENCEwill nurse invalid lady, or do paisn sewing to aprivate a=fly; good referece. 0. L., 713 H at.sw. le*WANTED--BY EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER,werk at home or out; terms reasonable and beatreferences. Address Mrs. GRr, M L at. nw.or17-st*WANTED-BY OOMPEE11NT AND EXPERIENCEDhousekeeper, position In family, hotel or schoul;bost references. Address C. G. P., 215 Konnthat., Re. N. Y. ee17-S*WANTED-BY COMPRENT anAMSTRE&mLWORKwith famies the day or week at $1.25 perday. Address P st. a.w. oc16.20MALE OR FEMALE.WANT'li-BY A GERMAN COUPLE. A POSITIONtogether In flt-cais family; wife as superiorcook; bsband hast-class butler; best city ref.Addres GERMAN. 1525 18th st. n.w. oc6.3t*WANTED-HOUSER.WANTED-TO OWNERS OF VACANT HOUSESWe are having more applications than we can Al.Let as rent your vacant houses for you.octlT-1mo RALPH W. LEI!, 606 14th at. n.w.WANTED-HOUSES; MR.; MODELN; IN BETlocation I can get for $3.00. Can pay $1,000cash. Give particulars with answer. Address C.. 0., Star office. Oe1I-tWANTED - FURNISHED HOUSE (WITHOUTHuam plate and chMns for family of adults; mosthave all modern conveniences; northwestern secties. Address H. L. B.. Star odice. oe13-6t*I ANTED-HOUSER TO RENT-WE HAVE DAILYiuguiry for good bems; years may suit; try nI.We give personal attention to renting hOuses.OM. H. BLISS & OD.. m3 F St. a.w. au28-tfWANTED-BOARD.WANTE - BY GEMAN-.UMEICAN YtUlrZGman to government service. - home with GermanAmerican family, owe ag t: penmunencydesired; neat - housekeeping ani.1 good tsscrJ rete; front ru , encued &lawr. oreferreid. A-ld 3Star oN.o. 137-3t*WANTED-3 PLEASANT. WELL-HEATED ROOMSin nLw., 2 commnicating. and good table board,for gentleman, wife and tour chdre ages 6. 11,13 and 14 years. Address, giving fll partk-ularnand terms, &c., 0. A. B., Star odlee. oel5-3t*WANTED- MISCELLANEOU.WANTED-NO BETTER PLACE IN THE CITY TObuy, sell or eachange second-hand furniture, carpets, stov bedding, &,. Reliable dealing andpses alor address THE JUNCTION FCRENITURN HOUSE, 7th, K and Mass. a. .w. oel7-tfWATDM-R. SWJYGER, 14= 7TH Sr. N.W.ihest ries paid far old gold and silver; )ad ', gen and children's cast-of clothing andshoes. Send postal. I win call. Oc17-17t*WANTED-A- UPRIGT OR GRAND PIANO;Steinway. Knabe or Chickering preferred. Address, stating lowest terms. MODERATE, Staredice. it*WANTED - BICYCLE - WILL EXCHANGE SE'American Cyclopaedia. 16 vols., for bicycle. Address EXCHANGE, Star oflee. 1t*WANTE-MHIGHEST Cd-H PRICB PAID NOROLD GOLD AND SILVERWEATL-mm AND LARGET AMOUNT BOUGHT;Old and ne welry wath, sp , dentist gold,MVTIL19 PATES XN.ErPLLAnd PLATINUM. FERD. I)EWENSTEIN Goldand Silver Reiner and Buyer of Old GoLd andSilver, 815 G ST. N.W., OPP. PATENT OFFICE.ee17-17t*WANTED - HORSES TO WINTER: STABLED;grain fed; well cared for; terms reasonable. ApPly to I. H. GOLDSBOROUGH, Wisconsin ave.and Woodley road. oc17-3t*WANTED - OUR PLATioRM IS "*HiGI'rPRICES PAID IN AMFRIt'AN MONEY" for furniture, carpets, stocks of store dealers. etc. Andwe can sell to you if you're not anxious to duany selling yourself.oel-Sm -MARCUS NOTES. 6N La. are.WANTED-TO MAKE THE ACQUAINTANCE OFa young man of redned and literary tastes, who isaloe In the et and In need of a friend. AddreERNEST Mac)GA.Star eoee. ce15-St*WANTED-A BOY'S BICYCLE; MUST BE CHEAIP.Address . S. B., Star inee. oc15-t*WANTED-A WINCHESTER REPEATING SHOTrgun. 12-gange, model 1816; give condition, lowestprice and where same may is' examined. Address W. C., Star ace. ae13-St*WANTED-WE PAY 'AmsH FOR ALL MARKErable ofdeacriptioe-real estate,me:. n MD M0T& effects, horses, carriage.,ee. MDERMIT&BRlITTON, .810 14th at.ocl3-5tWANTED-CAS, CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD,silvr wr ehes, diamnondis and jewelry of all deacitijny anmonnt bought. 3. SEINGERl,R 816 N at. nsw., opp. patent amee.WANTED-W. RICEi, 1882 7TH WE. N.W.-I WILLpay the highest cah prcsfor ladies', gents' andchilrea'. east-f cltin. and shoes and bats,Address a postal and I wicall. 0c1-1m*WANTrED-OY STER aSHEL. ANY P5RSONhaving a accumulation of oyster shells can navethe earns hauled away without cost bynotlf$-lmgteH Ice Co., IRANK P. D)AIS Supt.WANTED--A NUMBER OF HORSES TO WINTERat $8 per muth; gr f ed and beat of care;horses called for aidelivered. C. H. PARER,lZHDi, Md., or 45 4% at. w., ity. Tel.WANTED-HORs TO ,BOARDs AT BEATL'Sstock farm; beat care; good stabling; horses called for' terma reasonable. Apply to7DAVIDSON &DAVIDiSON, 1888. or Bar i; College Park, Md.se21-ifWANM--UR URE MOVED; La3an? 3.heras lead to the etty, $2.50 1-hure(hV d 00134 t. n. 'Phs 1866a;=-tfLOST AND FOUIb.LOWE-NEAR CORNER OF 14th AND RHODET.lad avemle, a browna silk-liued cape; leave at1417 Rhoe Island avenas Sir reward. l.t*LOST-$5 REWARD FOR REI'URN OF THE GRAtkitten that strayed from 1house last Sundayafght; she haason hair, ati ke a aquirrsl'a. Mr. -EE slate uter, 9015 H at. nw.LOST-THUEAY NIGHT IN CAPITAL TRlACtion Cespny car, a pocketbook, eontaining halfmonths ofe ea faithul cook; return to 184116ths. reci-rward. - ' t*$10 REWARD WILL, BE PAID FOR ANY DINORmatia. given handing to the recovery of thirtyEve $10 sold pieces, colsge ot 166, stolen Sptember U,1199, Address -McDEVIr'S DTIVB AGEN'Y, OST F at. anw. oec6-8t*LOWE-mWU lP; IOWE THREE WUSr AGO:ewwith white points; anwers to sAme of't;eitable reward and as quesilas asked.Dr. COLE, 42d 7th 5t. sw. cl6.gteIim5r-SMALL GOID) WATCH; INITIALS H. S.P. on ease; valmed as gift; Oct. 14; Jant sure location. $10 reward if returned to 12 NewYork avs. bet. 9 and 5 o'clock. oc13-IwIANT-G W 3T3 PIN. CONTAININtGsma da"a setb reward it retaned toBoas 81, Facile building. gclg,3t*IAoST-OCT. 10 ON TH WE. N.W., BBT. N ANDP as. a mu nimal tea the neck. A initanbleEward If ratunad to 1186 ath gt gn. geltg56o REWARD POBt ANY INFORMATIONg THATwill load to the covictiem et the partie. whorubbed hams 1406 10th at. aw.,emhrUlast. MeDEIE'S DEI'CTIVE Ay'05? - 65 REWARD -A ;WIThead; es as-ese -ar,.bod WHemTecolored and white. Return to JONANGERM A "..Morrison at. anw., back of new reevi.CAMPBWuM*annNGTONI. ATrORSEY-A-LAW,Webster Iaw hbilding. 669 D at. anw., Washingtem, D,. O, aupe, o 8 Mount Verna lasN.., T..a an. ..a - a. -w alFOR RENT-ROOMS.FOR RENT-NEAT, QUIE, WARM. LIGHT,cow. wel-Ventated south-front room; new;central; near electrie, cable, and excellent board;emlaow; gentleman; don't mis It. 90 L nW..rMR RENT-2 PLEASANT 80UTH-FRONT ROOMSon- lt oor, fbr. as anrlor Ad bed room; MeaIowa Circle; piano if degisd Addreas 911 R. Lave. ItFOR RENTL-a H ST. N.W.. A COMFORTABLYtarnished seeond-1oor room; moders convenimeeand a easant home; rent reasonaible; NationalUnite y; junior law student reeferred. 1t*FOR RENT-1215 CONN. AVE., FURNIHE& .rooms, with or without board, or a Ia carte; rmesonable prices to permanent t..n=tsl Englishhousekeeper, with American and Engish ref.ocl-2t*FOR RENT-LARGE AND SMAT- FURNISHD .rooms, with table board; term reasonable. O1I at. h.w. it*FOR RENT-18w Q Sr. N.W., LARGE 3D-FLOORfront room; well furnished; well heated; southera ex ; closet; other desirable rooms;2d or d Boors; first-clam home table. 1t*FOR RENT-SECOND FLOOR, THREE LAR;Epleasant rooms. connecting parlor and bed room;south front; sunny and well heated; board ifdesired; private family. 1145 F St. n.w. cel-8* 1FOR RENT-1224 13TH HT. N.W., VERY PLEASant 3d-story front room; bay window; pleasantside rooms; steam heat; southern exposure; at,very reasonable rates; good table board. ocl7-1w* 1FOR RENT-UNFUR., 2 VERY BRIGHT COM. 2Dfloor rooms; very reasonable; also cheap for.rooms to gents; all coo.; small private family.819 13th mt. n.w. 1e .FOR RENT-LARGE 2D-FLOOR FRONT ROOM;-also two handsome communicating rooms on 3dfloor; moderate terms to desirable parties. 141415th at. nw. it*FOR RENT-COMPLE1'R AND NICELY FUR.zooms* light housekeeping; gas, bath, heat; privote iarly; $11, In advance. 524 9th St. S.W.FOR RENT-FUltNIsHED ROOMS ON 1ST AND.2d doors, with every convenience. Call Monday,1415 H st. n.w. Oel7-6tFOR RENT-FUR., ONE LARGE AND ONE SMALLroom; communicating; $3 weekly for both; privatefamily. 1010 11th st. nw. It*FOR RENT-1217 L T. N.W.. A LARGE, NICEly furnished 2d-floor front room; suitable for 2gentlemen; also hall room; southern exposure.oel7-2t*FOR RENT-1449 N 1T. N.W.. FUR. ROOMS ON2d and 3d doors, with rat-class table board.ot17-3t*.FOR RENT-4 COMMUNICATING ROOMS; 2 ON1st Door and 2 on 2d; single or en suite; heat,light, bath. 1013 16th St. n.w. ociT-St*FOR RENT-1826. G ST. N.W., FUR. ROOMS,with board, on 2d and ad floors; bath room oneach foor. o:.17l6aFOR RiENT-HANDSOMELY FUR. ROOMS' SINgle or en mite; all conveniences. 1244 10th St.. w . . a *POR AENT-1 OR 2 WELI-FURNISHED ROOMS;south front; in private family. 943 it St. n.w. 11*FOR RENT-1344 R ST. N.W.. NEAR COR. OF14th at.. and convenient to cable cars. large,comfortable well-furnished rooms; thoroughlyheated; good table board; terms moderate.oeT-3t*FO RI NT-FRONT ROM0 , FACING SOUTH.with board, at 2139 8 St.; private family; squarefrom Cons. ave. cars; fashionable location; newstone house. Could spare 2 rooms. ocl-it*POR RENT-NICELY FUR. ROOMS; SINGLE ORen mite; all modern improvements; vy central;terms reasonable; private family. * 4% St.n.w., north Pa. ave. it*POR RFNT-2 COMMUNICATING ROOMS. 21)noor; south front; private family; also 2 on 3dBloor; terms moderate; with or without band.13U N at. n.w. oc17-St*FOR RENT-1l1 G ST. '4.W., A NICELY FURnished room on 2d Boor, suitable for a gentleman; With board. $22 per month. Alsohall room, without board. $4 per month. 1a*FOR RENT-170 L ST. N.W.. FOUR LARGEhandso m ly furnished rooms on second floor, withor without board; terms reasonable; everythingfirst-clas; F St. car at corner. oc17-3t*pOIl RENT-178 F ST. N. W.. DELIGHTFULrooms, well heated and lighted; southern andnorthern exposure; large hall room, with closet;xast board; excellent location; reasonable terms;refs. oc7-sw*POR1 RENT--FURNISILED ROOMS. BACK ANDfront: every convenience. Call 220 0 St. .w.. 1t*POR RENT-LARGE NICELY FURNYISH1EDfront rooms; southern exposure; communicatingor single; convenient location. 911 Mass. ave.n.w. It.*FOR RENT-1485 L-FLINISHED ROOMS; NICEclosets; private family. Transients taken. 1tPOR RUIT-A HANDSOME SUITE OF 4 PURnished roomm-arlor, two bed rooms and roomsuitable for light cookIng; private bath on samefloor. 1517 Ra t. o.-16-3a*1OR RENT-1 LARGE, BRIGHT. SUNNY WEL,fur. room; southern exp.; heat, gas and bath;suitable for Senator or member or gentleman andwife; centrally located; near Ebbitt House. 1303F at. n.w. oe16-3*FOR RENT-1336 I ST. NW., OPPOSITE FRANKUn Park. elegant, large, communicating, wellfurnished roens, with or without board; all convenienome; excellent table; New England cookingby New England cooks; convenient to cars anl tothe Treasury. State. War and Navy dept..; perniansnt parties preferred; terms mod.; refl. ex.OL15-3*POR RENT-FUlR. ROOMS, TO GENTLEMENonly; 2d floor; heat, gas and bath; herdics andcars at door; ces low to good tenants; everyconvenIence. 102 1st mt. n.w. oc15-3tFOR RENT-786 ROOMS, WITH BOARD; 1,22without; 291 for light housekeeping. all andiselect what you need; no charge. WHEAT.SUTER & MEADE, Rooms 3 and 4, 1505 Pa. ave.oc14-8mzFOR REN'T-1720 H ST., NEAR METROPOLITANClub, two desIrable, communicating rooms; northand suth exposure. oca-6t*WOR RENT-222 NEW JERSEY AVE. S.E.. PARlor suite; $23; lovely home and scrupulouslyclean; no tobacco nor greasy odors; steam heat;private family; three adults; board or not (vegetarian). o0-2wFOR RENT-PLEASANT, NICELY FURNISHEDrooms in quiet, private home; term very reasonable. You will not be disappointed by calling at1326 12th St. ILw. oclo-ItroR RENT-AT HOTEL INGLESIDE. VERY DFE-isirable rooms with first-class board; opposite the.Arlington Hotel; terms reasonable; convenient tocars and herdies; reduced rates to veterans. 1527I st. u.w. oc9-lmta ,FOR IRENT-800 12TH ST!'. N.W., FURNISHEDrooms, 2d and 3d floors; heat and bath on mmefloor; large closets; central location; no chi -taken and no housekeeping; table boa --sired, oe-ttPOR RENT-1016 VT. AVE, BET. 14TH AND15th and IK and L sts., large, e 2d-storyfront alcove room, with board; so back rooms;Ssteam heat' refs. eac le board. se28-2mFOR RENT-AT 717 10TH ST. N.W., COOL,nicely furnished rooms in new corner house; singleor en suite: good home table; table boar'd.3y2-ameUNPURNIUHED.FOR RENT-4 UNFURNISEHED 11OOMS; HEAT,gas, bath; light konsekeeping. Call at 918 0nLw. 12*FOR RENT-4 LARGE ROOMS; 3D FLOOR; NEWhoue; large closets; sink andI water; rear room;suitable for light housekeepIng. 234 N st. nLw.1*POR RENT-918 E ST. N.W., TWO UNFURNIIHEDsecor.d-floor communicating rooms; heat. gas;efs. exchanged. Apply to DO(JEOR BARBER.POR RENT-2 BEAUTIFUL UNFURtNISHIED RMtS.,with large alcove, on 2d floor, with heat. ga andbath; sear Iowa Circle; will allow light housekeeping; terms reasonable. Apply l61l 13th at.n.w. it*FOR RENT--1215 K. . AVE., UNFURNIBHE;Drooms, on third floor; bay window' south fronthouse; convenient to car lines; private family;referer&ces exchanged. 16*FOR RENT-NOVEMBER 1, THREE VERY DEsirable UNFURtNIBHED rooms, second floor; large.closets; heat, gas and bath same floor; no chil-{dren. 1114 hi st. o1-bFOR RENT-12TH ST. NEAR F ST. N.W., TWOnice comlsnecatisg rooms, 1st floor, wit'h heatand light; suitable for ocles or dwelling; goodorder.oe17-8t' L ATIERI & NFEMIT, 1821 G nw..FOR ENT-UNFURNISHED-.-2D AND 3D FLRtS.;=gas, heat; hot and cold water; light housekeeping;gqneihorhood; cornvenient to cars. 127inna*POR ET-2 NICE ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEkeeping; large front room; bow window, ma .tel-mirror and hall room, bath, etc. I8 Tenn. ave.Sn.e., opplosite Lincoln Park. oc17-3**FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED-3 OR 4 PLEASANTrooms on 21d foor; light honsek'eeping; heat, gas,latba; with owner. 221 8th at. n.e. oc17-2t*POR RENT-3, 4 OR 5 CHERFnUL, WELLlighted room. 2d floor; all conmmicating; withheat, ga and bath; southern exposure. 465 Pat. n.w- oc16-2t*FOR RENT-786 ROOMS WITH BOARD; 1,223without: 291 for lgt. housekeeping. Call - andselect what you aed; no che. WHEAT, SlUTER & MFADE, Rooms 3 and 4,1565 Pa. ave..oe15-8on30OR RENT-Idol H ST., 1 OR 2 LARGE HANDsome 2d-floor frent rooms; south exposuro; steamSheat; also room os 4th floor; all nafur. oc15-8t*FOR RENT-DWiRamrLY ARRANGED HOUSE, INpafet ordar; 6 aloe beil rooms; 2 baths; hetwater heat' 2106 R at. 'Lw.; rs....aanl rest. U.L, XUST, 61 14th st. nw.s2-tFOR RET-FIVD.(8 0ROOS, WITH BATHI, ON3d and! 4th Bones; 9B9 Pa. ave.; mutable forao ..orbomk ; $35 P per me.Apy1ev CRCKE,.-J .l-aFOR RENT-THUR NICE COM. ROOMS, ON 3Dfloor; water ammo Boor; also 2 fine roomas on 26'awl one on 1st; nicely fur.; with or withoutheard; new house; furnaee heat. 619 K st. n.w.FOR 1l5ENT-310 C Mir. N.W., FUILNISHED) ORtunfornished. Apply to owner, EIZAnBreT1.0011E, 310 C at. nw. oe17-3eFOR RENT-1429 20TH ST., 4 ROOMS; lETiEml';.furnished oer nfurnished; oolta DunatPOR RE6W-ON CAPITODr HII4 ONE BLOCKfromn New LUbrary, 8 fur. and 3unfnr. roanms;amodes. improvementa; wiB rent cheap. Appl820 d at. se. 0c164FOR RENT-FUR. OR UNFUR., 2 OR 3 ROOMS,S!flor; east south, west i 3 at.f01 OENT-OXMS.FURNISIMED OR UNFURNIEUMD.P Ih 1TfS N.W., PIXASANand at on @rst and " 40 nd ,ourseparately or en astte; table board I desireterms renaeiisly references exchanged. se23-1lFOR RLENT-FLATMFOR RENT-"WOODMONT." IOWA CIRCI.i,date. with Rdade bath; only a few let- furonoter.. no caterer in the city. oelf-SteedFOR RENT414-at.;TH Sr.. AS A WHOLE I0data; also preityoms, single and en mite; Onand 0ciets' Mey reasonable. For choice app!quidy to b. l.,KNT, 913 G St. D.W. 1t*POJ RET-IA, TWO BEAUTIFUL UNFLIsished rooms lhnd private bath, with privaentrance; Sa corner house; aouth, west, ea"I'"if"" thoroughly basted by furnace; reteeness. 1821 ast. n.w. oc14-4t*R RENT-ELATS IN THE "GENOA." &A0 121at. Lw., including electric Ilght. steam heatiled bath. and janitor j Serv ; rent VERCHEAP. Apply to GEO. E. EMMONS & CO1216 V at Tel 1424. oe4-StPOR RENT-TWO ELEGANT FLATS. SECOX-and third Scors; 3 and 4 rooms eaeb; privalbath; Steam heat; all frnut rooms. 152 Q atcor. 14th. oe14.3t*fOR RENT - AT THE CONCOR-FLATS 0seven and fLre rooms, with kitchen and privalbath; eastern exposure; also sonme very desirab]two-room suites, with private bath. i13-tfFOIR RENT - AN ELEGANT HOUSEKEEPINat.- 8 lasse Mms, bath room, cellar: range, 91and water; being entire 3d liner of a 0,0(house; -on eahle car line; n.w. Only $14month. Wt. APh 1422 N. Y. ave. ociPOR RLENT-A 4, 5 OR 6-ROOM FLAT IN THComo, 15 Grant place; steam beat: janitor's mevie; private baths;- modem convelieces; locaticcentral and quiet. Apply on premises. se2Li-tfPOR- RENT-tSr FLAT; 6 ROOMS AND BATEsub hall- steam heat. 139 14th n.w. A. ILANG. 17% 14th u.w. se22-ttFOR RENT-FLATS JN 815 VT. AVE. OPPOSITArlington Hotel-; bantisomely furnished; en anilor single; with or without private batba. 5e21FOR RENT-STORES.FOR RItENT-LARGE 2-STORY BtICK BUILDINin rear 216 C n w - 2 dours; 25xl0l) each; ruthrougn fromi one alley to another; excellent locitin fk* storage, zn''g or large stable; rent veilow. W. S. MINNIX, 1427 F at. oc17-8tPOf RELNT -Store building. 409 7th at. n.w., bet. D andsin. $1,00 year.oc17-3t C D. LIEBERMANN, 1303 F St.'OR RENT -1532 14th at. n.w., old-established business stawith modern dwelli above.Oe17-at C. D. JERERMANN, 1803 F at.FOR RENT-1324 0 ST. N.W.; FINE LARGstore; plate glass t; yard and back entrancibest la.ines. Jocat ; in colmplete order; ren$45. Key 1322 G at. n.w. cel-1m*tOR IRENT-A S'ItRE ROOM. SUITABLE VUdruggist; good location; punt e43ce in the reibu In. Address GOOD HOPE P. 0., D. C.oc15-3t'Ol RENT-122 AND 1231 E ST. N.W.; 85 ldeep; adapted to any business; centrally locatenear F St. and Pa. ave. Apply to C. BECKEE1328 F at. n.w. ocl3-eo3tPOR RENT-STORl.L420 Pa ave aw.... $12511739 Pa are.........$337 7th at nw.....108.33, = r at nw..........3630 11th at...........70 220 7th at nw........1141 R at ne...........0! 32i)F t nw.........THOS. J. VISHER & CO.,se28-tt 1324 F St. nw.rOR RENT-2118 PA. AVE. N.W.; LARGE BU81ins buildinm w!th stable attached; lately modernizcd and t in excellent order; large storloom, with r ellar; three apartments sepsrately anans flor bousekeeping; steam healRent. $100. B. H. WARNER & CO.,selo-t- 916 F at. nw.FOR RENT-OFFICES.POIL RENT-12TH ST. BET. F AND G N.W.,nice comumnicating rooms, lt floor; heat atlight; good order.So17-3t hATIMER & -NESBIT, 1321 G at. n.w.?OR RENr-vxRY CHEAi, 21) FLOlt OF 110F ST. N. W. ,rstate for DRE)IESMAKING estatlishment; $L mo.; HEAT and ELEVATO'H5th door of SAUE building, with SAME cotveniences, fo $2 me.TWO lare Aomns on 1st floor of 516 12TH 81N.W. for $3mo. BAIEMENT below for $22.5me. Apply, -oDlGElS & FAIRFAX, 613 12tSt nLw. , - oc17-stoR RENT-LARG3,1 LIGHT, VELL-VENTLATEoffce rooms; suitable for business and prctensionali-rpes; reasonable rent. A I tW OWSO F at. IYrFOR RENT-HALLS.'OR RENT-UIALb; ONLY ONE FLIGHT 01steps; on D int. near 7th' n.w.; very large haliwith all acenmmodations. Inquire at CHAIBAUM'S, 46 7th at. oe17-3tFOR RENT-'MTCFIJ ANEOU1POR RENT-LADY LEAVING THE CITY I .year will rent fne upright piano--in elegant cozdition-for that period for 40. Will pay fcmoving both ways. Address at once GoLNIABROAD, Star office. oc16-3t'OR RIENT-FOR MAINUFACTrURING OR tyrHFJ-usliness, new 2-story, large, well-lighted buildinglower floor part modern stable. 6 stalls; elevateand every convenience; cheap rent. Apply 1011th at. s.e. ocI2-Iw*OR RENT-REMINGTON TYPEWRITErtS AT THIB 1MINGTON OFFICE; modern machine; perfeccaditien guaranteed. with stand; delivered ftreIn city; one mouth applies on purchase of neiwhen directly following rental.WYCKOFF. SEAMANS & BENEDICT,de19-tf Car. Sth and F sts. u.w.BUSINESS CHANCES.)NE-HALP INTElEST IN VALUABLE LNVE3tion given party furnishing money to secure paient. Recommended Intentable by the Assucintioof American Inventors. Have searched pateroffice files. . Will sell outright for a nominal cuesderation. Address GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIStar edice. It*'OR SALE-WELL ESTABLISHED CONF,'rlOery and cigar store. Will sell at a sacrifice; gooreason for selling. 1248 Pa. ave. s.e. It*'OR RENT-CARRIAGE FACTIRY; THE IiFElocation in the city; three-story building. *162and 167 L at. n.w. Apply 144 K st. n.w.oe17-3t*sO KNIFE. PLATR NOR PAIN; HOME CURfor: cancer, tunwr and malignant blood diseaset100-pae book and advice free. DEPT. M., AM1. .MASON MEDICAL COMPANY, 557 5th ave,New York. l t*'OR SALF.-OE LEASE--334 DELAWARE AVE.cor. of D at. s.w.; 6I rooms, store room, cellarstable; large side lot; a good business stand. Allply to B. IiGt.NS, 3020 N. C. ave. s.e. e'17-3t*BIG FtORTUNEN ARE MADE IN WALL ST?. ANIChicago Board of Trade every day; $1 is enough tstart with; the great wealth of Vanderbilt, GouldArmour and other millionaires came from smnalbeginnings; no bucket shop nor fraud; legitimetspeculation; particulars tree; send postal witname and address. AMEIllCAN INVEiBTMEN'SAND SECURITY CO.. 136 Broadway, New York. 1RI1NTERSW, A RARE CHANCFE-FINELY EQUIIped printing office in splendid locality, doingsubstantial- business; for cash only; best reasonfor selling. Address PRINTING, Btar offlee.ol3-5tVANTED--PARTYY WITH SEVERAL BUNDREldollars to enlarge trade-mark division of an oldestablished phtent agency; half interest givenneed not interfere with other business; largprofits. Address ELERIYtIICAL, Star ot3ce.oe16-2t*PINE STORE FIXTURES AT A SACRIFICEplate glass counter eases, walnut tables, outsid]show ease, national eash register, handsamcherry office fixtures, mirrors, ga. fixtures, etc,all contained in my branch store, 9)17 Pa. areApply at once. HI. T. OFFTEltDINGER. o3-3185 AVERAGE WEEKLY NET INCOME WIThSe. F.ALY. 13 Broadway, ew' a8lzLT' RAMBAY'SJOUR WATCH CLEANED, $1.00.WATCH MAINSPRING, $1.00.ALL WORK W AR RA NTED ONE YEAR,mb3.6d 1221 F ST. N.W.SHOB8ES AND VEHICLES.'OR SALE--BY.-PRIVATE rARLTY, CONTENTS 0]my stable, consisting of a very hannoe team ecoach horema,-jtylisis and fearless, beautiful ninghdrivers;, twoeyoe reed horses, very fast anwell bred; a Brewster victoria, in perfect condition, and orni'combinrationi trap; harness, rebeletc. The abS.. wfi Be sold at a great scrileAddresa Box S6, Star eice. . oe1-12tl'OR SAIZ-O; S!@r SIGHTLY USED. SINGLand one is.douhabro ar harness; ailytmeented. G itUr ;LR'S1IARNESS FACTOR1641 La.'ave. , . oc17-3t*OR 5aLai-IE YOUNG SOUND HORSE, JUSfrom eountryfi weighs 1,150; also line T-cart, sid&bar begy ad phaetotn; all in line conditim1106 11th at. n.y. oc16.3tFOR njiL- ' L(HT BROUGHAM. IN PEEfeet order;- alobiesingle and double harnesiDOWNEY'S -TABL ,L st. bet. 16th and 1TTOR SALEir-AN EGAN4T BROUGHAM, MADto ceder; $iie pie 1.30;, almost new tshafts, poe'ireS lvery, roben, all for 7Can be sesate storage warehouse of iAmerican Sederity Andl Trust Company, No. 11415th .t. nLw. . 0e15-3ORo SArLK-CARRIAG. BUGGIES, BUSINESlad dayton wagos harness, robes ad whys, apae prIces f or ensb.oc12-ed COK& 3ARBOE, 8205 M st. n.y.POE AEMY STOCK OF THE LATETTI.Eiof broughamsa, six passenger reckaways, cougrockaways aini Pittsburg rochaway. Sea lhnew esejekaway,. trimmed tn white eloth.'Phoe . AS. K. PREOBEY,oe104mn , 1280 32d at.POR SArLE OR HIRE,-PRICES TO SUtr Tratimes-watmns c arriages, bosses and harnes.Also milk waz- ollited. 927 D at. nLC.WASIrWG -- -JKE, WAGON AND HASNESS CO. s30-m*animREnhJ$ ROAD cam'ri- PHAETONI31d UP.Wauranted best nmateriaL. Catalague ebe.DURANT--DORT: GAmarIAG 00,L.I. Warnld, Agi. (alklan*) @SO B at. northwsiIOR SAXZ-SnKO-HAND DELIVR CARl.s... A...y e.. A. 5. mrAnL Un m as. u -FOR BENT-HOUSES.SFOR RNTIFURINISHED HO11o* FURLNIMED "OUSEa.FURNOHUR HOIMOUR COMPLETE LI8T EMRRAICG ALLKINDS AND PRICE-.50 T PE$EP 1' MOx3I.A XEW PA A3 IFO )MWS:A large number of houses of an dsisn, hamndsome' 1 1y finished; priees lower than we have evero ffered them. Apply at oee or by man Our 11and InformatIon.El egant house on circle; 15 lesns; soob WSdows; side yard. and delightfisl interis; with ory without fine stable; low price to desraNe. tenat.Italuire for partieulars.We have several houses at $100 ad $139, WithS special Inducements to small famiies.A a-edunt-qlad house, nicely located, wil beit rented to well-recommnneaued party to keep bearders; rent low.A very attractive boose of s rooms on X. H.ave., at only $0 per mouth.Fine house. I ot.; lag Pegantly furnished piaC lor; flne library &C .; month.A Nur eomplete list can he had by aig or by spplication at fice.Special attentin to straigers Unaequainted withcity- WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO..e it 1407 F st.FOR iET--FURNISHED-A MOST DELIGHTFULhouse on Columbia road; convenient to ears; $0month. Apply CHauAsLs ARL-Y, dS 14th st.5 CdT-atFOR 1tENT-LEGANTLY FURNISHE) I HOUSE- (.m.i., ineUI use of horse and arriage-; $40per month and board owner. Addries Box Mt,city P. 0. It*r IOR RENT-TO ADUL71, A HANIMSOMELY FURf nished aix-room house; bath; hatter's pantry:- crystal chandeliers; large hay window; goodstable; suitable for M. C.; location good. Owner,1224 S at. n.w. 4Cl1-3t*FOR aENT-OWNER LEAVING CITY WILL RENT- to private family at reduced rent, completelyfurnished house; parlor, library, dining room ensuite; with B. P. piano, sewing machine, chins;at terms for year or longer. Apply on premises,1315 N at. n.w. oe17-Im5 FR RElNTFURNISHED HOUSIIN THE NOltTHWEET 81l10N OF THECITY AT 1R0E RANGING FROM$1,600 TO $1,600 PER ANNUI.ALIPOSEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE ONESFOR 8HORTER TERM.Apply toy J. V. N. HITYCK- e17tf 1805 Pa, ave.FOR RENT-2-STORY S-ROOM HOUSE, 941 RIt.; southern exposure; completely furnished; a.m.l.; to desirable party from Nov. 1 for am Year.$50 per mo. Apply I. P. CLARE 811 Marketspace. ee15-gtFOR RENT--OWNER LEAVING CITY WILLlease for two years, with privilege of renewal atsame rate. his handsome 14-room house en 16tha at.; fully furnished; Stelnway piano. silver. gias,china and linen. Advantageous terms wil be of, fered, and eongrssional members conteaplatIresidence here for two or more seasons wimleasing in this Instance cheaper than renting forthe winter. Addressr oC1i-tf Box 82, Star mca.FOR REN\T-FURNSHED-POftTION OF Com-et furnished house; 5 rooms and bath; 130St. zw.; open for inspection; rent, $40.ocl-tf JOHN L. WEAVER.FOR RENT-FINE NEW N.W. CORNER HOUSE.. fashionably located; furnished; reduced to $105gmoath by the year. WML H. SAUNDERS &. 1407 V at. oc10-tt5 OR RENT--FURNISHD-NEW HOUSE OF 10- rooms and bath; $100 per month; Q st. bet. 17thand 18th n.w. Addrems J. T. R., Star RENT-COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. COR. CLIFton and 13th st. new aodern house, fully and- andsaoely farniaed; 16 rooms, 2 baths, billiardroo with table; steam heat; areplaes with gaslogs; awnings, screens. Rent. $= per month.Ocenpied by owner. se-tfUNFURNISHED.FOR RENT-1702 4TH ST. N.W., NEAR LEDrolt Park. new 2-story brick; 3 rooms on floor;- Price, $26.50. GA&CH BitOS., 1307 F at. n.w.L oc17-3tI FOIl RENTr-1410 (ORCORAN ST. N.W.; 7 ROOMSANI) BATH; NEW PLUMBING; HEATED BYFURNACE; IN ENC f-E.NT CONDITION; RLENTItEDUCED 'IN $35.50; RENT FREE To NOV. I. E BIADLEY, 1303 F ST. N.W.FOR RIENT-476 0 ST. N.W.; 11 ROOMS ANDBATH; BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL; GOOD LAPCATION; CONVENIENT TO CAlS.It IL E. BRADLEY, 1303 F ST. N.W.FOR RENT-010.30, NICE 5-ROOM FIIAME;water and sewer; large yard; 1100 D at. n.e.;cars pass. Apply 819 Maryland are. n.e. 1t*- FOR RENT - NEW 10-ROA)M HOUSE; MOUTHfront; near Dupont Circle. Reduced from $50 to$35.0. 2135 P st.; house open.1t* G. J. BOND, 631 F at.FOR RENT-BY V. It. PARKER & CO.,4%&E S.W.. K07 7th ow, st&dw.$30.00 4%&Va av sws&d.$30.0042631 E se, Sr. ami..20.501123 K nw. 6r. ami.21.5032 E aw, dr, w&g..15.33 421 4% aw, st&dw.18.50812 7th ow, Sr.w& .150.84 515 9th aw, Or.amt.16.50813 7th sw, sr.w&g.15.30 363 G ow. 6r. mlI..16.30125 4% sw,6r.w&g.13.50 118% C ow, 5r, wa.13.30111 F sw, 6r&sta ...15.00 835 3d sw, 5r, wa..12.30325 F ow, fr .......9.50 470 (asw, o.r, ami..23.00401 8th aw, Sr. wa.12.50 310 2d sw. 5r, wa..14.00S t 0 ow, 6r, wa... 10.30 116 F ow, Sr.......10.001007 6th sw.6rw&g.15.00 1212 3d sw. 6r. wa.10.50333-39 M sw. Sr. w.10.30 817 3d mw. Or. wa..13.501219 Union sw,6r,w.10.50 1219 Del ar sw.6r,w0.501320 Union aw,6r,w.1l.00 1248 4% sw, 6r... .11.00- R'r 608 F sw, sta...6.00 338 B ow, 7r, ami..18.00t oc17-3t*FOlt RENT29th&Q nw. 1r. .'.$45.00-613 16th ne, r..... 15.00Col His. 10r.......15.00 625 Gordon ave......9.301003 N J ave. 8r...--- 178 Gales ne. 6r.. .10.001 208 C nw, 1r..... 2.001 1781-1U Gales ne, Sr.8.0045 K ne, 1r....... 25.40. 20-24 18th ne.......7.003024-40 13th nw,7r.20.10, 101-103 18th ne.....4.002d&G me, st&dw....18.70j Linconville, DC......5.00723 13th ne. 7r.....17.0011320 Harrison ave...6.50637 Acker ne. 7r ...15.00!it D3. D. THOMPSON, 1335 F st. n.w.FOR -RENT1310 Roanoke, lr,aml.15 317 Mo av aw, 10rb.25- 322 Me av, 14r,2ba.35.65 320 13th sw. Sr.... 16.7476 0 nw, 11r. ami.35.651417 Q now dat,4r&bl5.001410 33 8 0 aN er.....1.50S4571Fla av nuw9r.ami30.0j 708 12th se, Or.....11.50S130r 9th nw, Sr, aml..301 630 Callon ne, 6r..11.502004 3d ow, 7r.....18.5 1200 Wylie ne, Sr..10.50212 13% sw, 6r.ami.18.50 1120 4 ne, Sr.10.0064) Fla av nw,7r.ami.251ocl6-s.tu&th ROBERiT E B RADLEY, 1303 F t,I FOtR ltENT-HOl'$ ER iTED1827 I at, 18r.. .$*,500.00 328 T at ow, lr.. .27.502005 Maw av, 12r.100.00 512 D se, 7r. cel.. .27.50r 1344 Vt are, 11r. ..65.00 1702 4th at, 7r.....27.405 1715 N at, 11r.....0.65 704 Newark w.10r.25.50t112 11th at, 14kr. ..50.0017Tnae.S....011000 151th at. Drcor.40.00 42 3h 7,nw2.12134 L at, t0r..40.005111hwr...18011 2145-47 P at, 10r...35.50 1 tS .83.1829 Suommit av.La- 722t.S . 83- nIer lHt, 10r,large i11.7Vt r. 115, grounds..........35.00i 1 ta, r. 1.400611t atawlr3tJ702 Neark ow.S.1r.5.50Sit Pleasan7te.n ve.r.....3.001 21 lvdaS..531441 U a, 7r.30 024 1th D, 7r,new.13.50Oregon 18Fl are, Pr .00j10 t r. ..1.0351 13h et.Or.. .0.0 130 no 24t . Sr....10.30We giv specil Indu 1ment in retin some.16.5abovehouse, ando 7h1r no enmted hr...590th Wt a. H0.30.0NDE2 L sC nw, 14r.. ..-20 Mt Plasat, rb...0.0025 Rlew. ar, h..5.01441 U9t, Sr. h. ...3.004 11 19th nw, Or.,st.338Oregonwav, r...a3.00 100 Qtast.........1.0)317 1th et, r. h. .3.00 1130Unet,'5r..eMt.10.30above 1ho, ba oter 640 Flomenat nor.120eL stabl12b.$0.0054 R. ha, r, h...2.5042 6th ner, hr a. e..25.St 61 Fraerota.geMtP.1.00Call for list, itFOR RENT-..1.24.. E,....r.b.......1.3019105 0, 10r&b.$...50 2212 Vs av. 6r, wn.16.30200 I w. 3rml.50.0 507 22d, Sr. wa... .14.5012104 H.* Sr&b..3.01 131) B sw. 6r, wa. ..13.301910 20th, 9M&b...30.50 2222 Clev'd av,6r.w.13.301828 Oreg aw, 9reb.30.45 2288 Clev'd av,6r.w.13.306. l Gise, Pr. ml.. .25.510 Good Sr houses. 13th&L2818 N ny. 8r&b. ..22.50 me, for white tenats.6162.3 C s, Greb..18.510 Houses for color.ed ten715 20th, 7r&b.18.30! ants, nw. from $6 up.,ct (07 EO. W. NKINS, 151 19th t. w.I FOR RENT-GEORGE H. BLISS & C0., 633 F N.W.- 1415 Col at nvw,8r$2.00i 326 Mtass av ne,6r.$22.50I 1104 4) at nw. Sr.. .23.001621 2d at ne. 6r.. .2.00I1104 7th nw,6r flat.18.i0 203 C st me, Sr... .18.00I1810 20th at aw, TZr. 16.501 12419 1 at Se, 6r... .10.00804 N H av aw, 6r.13.11 123 K it se, Gr...10.00Decatur at ow, Sr.. .9.80 i621 E at ne. Sr. ...8.001tVolR ltENE'-BY JOHN QUINN, 447 7TH ST. 8.W.123 C aw, 7r,a&d.$35.00) 1845 14th, Sr. amI. .40.00014 F sw, Tr. amni.19.00 434 1st se. 7Zr, aml.20.00816 6th sy, Tr. amni.17.00 710 H sw. 7r, wa. .12.50-443 .7th -sw. ato rmt.18.00 1210 3d aw, Sr. wa.10.00478 K sw,6r,w&sta.12.00 1305 4% awsto rm.10.00353-55 K. Or, anti..17.30 429 2d, Or, wa.15.00oe17-3t*I FOR RENT-LATIMER & NESBJT, 1321 G ST.-112 12th, 10r br....$501 406 1st nw, Sr hr. .830.801127 9th, Dr....51 241 R ne, Trb, amni. .21222 12th ow, Or..25 1429 N .1 av nw, LATI3I & NEBItT, 1321 0 t.C FOR RENT-BY W. C. DULVALL, 1)25 F ST. N.W.r 1434 Q 3w, 13r.. .850.751440 B se, 14r... .7,1420 15tht ow. l0r. .50.75 1212 NY av nw,12r.S0.751405% 5th nw. 11r.30.80 315 5th se, 10r...30.801405 Sthnw, 11r.. .3.E 123 D ow, 14r...37.808 01% Tnw. 12r...37. 32 C nw, 9r..27.30702 N C a' s,. Or. .30.8055 Main. av nw,9r. .25.75- 2000 13th nv, Or.. .0.50 1530 Columbia st,9r.25.50. Myrtle no. 7r. . ..15.40 512% 7th ow, 7Zr.. .20.80312 10th se, 7Zr.18.40 1210 6th sw. Sr... .2.0.512 F ne, 7r.-...16.75 314 10th se, TZr.1.4a 811Nnaw.Sr...1.8.0 121 Vt at nw. 8r..20.OS704 RI av nw, 7Zr..16.40 838 Pa av nw, 18r.5l0.00- 1342 9th s. Sr. ..10.0015 FOR COLIRED) TENANTS..n 2 Fin av nw. 7r.$19.Ll 506 19th nw, Pr. ..$22.50. ,180 5th ow, TZr. ...20.50 1513 4th ner, Or... .22.30e 488 3d no..........16.3153 N J av, Ir... .14.000 966 V nv, 6r.12.0 19 9th ne, 6r.12.30Sed 829 7th nw,9raPO.001 StAd 148 C no, Or.$4.OSto&dw th&N nw.121.I Sted M04 14th :w.22.50it Std_519_11t nw.75.00__Std____2_11th___.12._FOR RENT-DIGGIER & FAIRFAX, 613 12TH N.W.1867 Kenesaw av, 2rb$70 5015 MS nw, Or, ba. ..$31830 9th nw.' 14r,ba...45 1202 0 aw, Pr, bi....'9190Onw, 12r. ba...40 624 Qnw, Tr, ha.231707 G uw, 14, ha. .40 1587 6th nw. Sr, ha. .13812 7th ow, Or, ba.. .18 01 L iv. Sr..13ae173tFOR ISENT-SR. & BA., A.MI.., 7TH N.E. .321.oeS Or. and cel. a.m L., on Arker Ut. n.e., s.. 16.0010 rooms anihath, a.m.L., en D st. n.y.... 45.006 rooms end bath, a.m.L, on C at. i.e..18.506 rooms and l'-tth, a.m.L., on H st. n.w..20.006 roomus and bath,, on Pearce pl. n.y.. 25.006 rooms anal bath, a.m.l., on C at, i.e..2.00Al'l rt-class ordler and convenient to cams.1t* esareduced. W. L. WILKEwarON, 3 F n.w.1F0R RIENT-FINE NEW HOUSE; 10R1., WWTAI. reception halt; bath; eantr ameelet;elntmantels; -ng tubes; eleet . losetsn; caexntaimproved "l e in ellar'; lione tng. 219xthni. 29 thFOR RENT-HOUSMREAL iTA1%j W tDE0CANMJ!" a= 01Q 6 sue lob t. m.....V"t saI.. Mtm st. I&r.....1l1111 a 0. k;r... =11 Mr.-...1170 8 Ist. 1t. IBai ls ........1I014610 ----..........0 m 3 un 1x .......1san N 1 aee m ...2011= g1 us . U m..123 men a% 1r..- IT Ossse t. r.ane t ave. u. ..21j In st na. i.r.....le . .. 1 Ogem a0. . ...01 T K age. r 1731 Oasssu Ut. t..17 a I 1a.Iur.... = I S.!K a.1% ....... Oa roa..... ....A3116 ;.....s -- P t. r .......12 a I ave, ar... ..m i-o 15m I......6121 N H ave. 12r...1 nu r met t. Ur........N" 1th st. lor. ...1n 5th St. or......5KM 2it. 14r....0 MD g; m, f r...trm 3 2an, a ......1mmr .%...........n22 cama awe. I& .-,317 a .t . .a1813 Utm me. Ut56Q.,I .I=. lit. ....i. M32 N a .t. or..... ia . . a are. r. ...1s01 31st Ut ......15 1517 Phas g. St... ..22514 18tb ms, 3t...I bet 17th and lth H at het 1Ith & Ith.115at (with smelO)..*lt N at bet 11th & '.thR I abe bet 17th at a . . ... .and C=s .w...... 4" K at bet 17th and ia e bet 11th at 18th . .... Onea awe (with x st bet 9raffistable) ...... ... 414.W7 29t 9" .........166.6ffasre bet 17 & Omma ave bt ad18th ss*..........3 a soa............ .67 i16th at bet geat 21st at betQ a..13o gCirce and a Je ml ba t samstable ......... 6.4 aW a 3th Ut....1 :R av bet 13th at R I ave het 17th at ICamaewith st..m0 and COmm ave ......1no 1Oar 19th & orearan.0 Cur 21st and 0 la ... I= IR I ar bet 17th at & IJaemasn V bet Oancamm awth sta,381.31, ave 4a 1th st.133.34 IK at bet 15th and Net, car 13th ot....12510th Sta...........:10, Cat th mad H eta..1S16th at bet K ;ad L.3 Croma at bet 17thH at bet l7th & 18th et a:4 N H ave...125 j(with stable)....251671 20th bt 0 ad P ats.126 1B I ave & 17th st.26.67 F at bet 17th & 18th.125 IMams ae ar loft at N H ave near N.....15 1.a(with stabl).......U2 21st at bet N and O.125I ave bet 14th man Cmrcram at bet 17th15h st--............250 and N H a wper .o.12Cam ave bet M and 1th at bet Ne t and 1N at ............2o Depat elel....100Com ave bet H andI 1th bet F and StA.1010t5...............2 2st at bet N ad O..1M 18th at bet N at ad 1bth bet T and U sts.I0eiMs ave..........20 16th at bet 8 &ad T...00 113th and Itifte eta 1Tth at bet Q ad..1 00(corner) ...........20 M bet 18th and l thP at bet 17th & 16thb sa ................16I Ists ................ 251m &w se e Mas av.88.38 IBlt and Q SS..-a*s- lth at bet N awe IDopnet eircle het N R I as bet tith&Ilth..80 IS-*To and P at....2001 an I st(with @tm=M).75 1B at bet 2th and P at het 21t ad 22d21st a .......... 20 e t .................7016th at bet Q and I.R.ANUEN1KE fLA .room end bath emF st. bet 11th and 12th. 475UNFURNgsuED FAT.115 G at., 4 rooms and bath. 3d dear.........O25SUBURBAN PRM'MERTK.Blair road. 11 roos 4% arem, frut tram, E.0122 Cma. ave.. atom ................. $m iO CB ROOMs.krye dime aliae roam Ia I ramebm 1510 H st.I room, 2 flear 1210 F at., amathera espem.e 4per menth...................................s rABL. 4Bak stable bet L &" I. 2th and 21St SU .... 00 2kBiek stable bet L and U. 2th and 21sat t.... .3 1BEc stable rear 14 A I ae................2Brick stable bet. l 1th. K and L esi......15Brick atab bet. N420th and 21st sta. 4 3stalls and room Sr 4 ar 5 earriage. groomBrc t er8914th Ut............... 9BUrnerINX AND F1 MIT CAN Bi OBTAINED .LT OUR OPIC. o.IT 5NR RENT- 615 21st at aw. 4r.$11361341 Corcotan. 9r.837.50 1=21 C at se. er... le.000 lot at se. W0r.30.59 10 Iteeves mw. 4r.10.301338 32d t aw,1r.25.00 111 Reeve. aw. 4r.1O.30NO 24 at ne. Or... 16.00 1 Corrotam row. 4r.10.00R2 25th at aw. 6r.13.30 5 Comewan row. 4r.10.400.133 10th at aw. 6r.13.50 11uht&Mstw'd pl,5r.10.001131 10th at nw. Or.14.50 1123 Reed's et. 4r... 9.30Ka E at me. 6r ....13.3u 716 St Mary's pl.4r.S.30!T E at ne. Gr... .13.30 714 St Mary's 1d.4r.b.30051 E at ow. 4r..11.30 203, E at Ow. 4r... 8.30107 Reeves aw. Gr.10.31 21,r*r 120 F ow.4r.8.30.105 Reeves nw. 6r.10.30:131 L at te. Er... IWASH'N DANENHOWER,it 1411 0 at. n.w.?OR ENT-BY W. H. BARNBE & 00.,C2O F st. aw. .1722 Coreoran. 9r..$45.O0 FLAT& k1244 Keeaw av.Br.37.50, 22 Pa aw se. 4r..$15.301523 8th STORbE106 E nw. Sr. mi.. ..50 1012 let me, st&dw.516 224 aw.8r.mi..2.50 5 ras...........$135.305&7 N nw. r. al..25.50 22 Ia av. Ig ra..16.)1417 8 aw. 6r, mi..25.50 001IRED TNANTS.14 24 me. It. ml..25.50 231 0 aw. 6r, mna.$20.301514-16-22-24 5th at T13 24 ew. 6r......15.30aw. br. ml.......23.50 83 Fiegtun at me. Sr.l0.30233-35 13th aw. Sr..22.50 OFFICE RAMS.830 11t me, Baltic btldg.135 Cala me. Or, mal.17.0I Capital Back bldg.It Typographil Temide.POt RLNT-IT H ST. N.W.; 10 U00318 ANDall the moderate Inporements; rent. $50.20.JAMES L BRERETON. 718 15th at. .w. ocl7.3t*Fo1 RIENT-A HAIDWIhME, 10-ROOM Ho'UE,north Side Mail.m at., near Du Pnt ciude andm bt .......E $i4... ..Scr74t* i: *L _KW iLAN.* 34i)5 F at.OR RENT-AT RAM'CI) RATER-1341 Ct110)- Iran St.; 9 large saims; store rum; Plenty of Iclometa; mouth trout: to perfect order: a.m..L; I$37.50. WASH*N DANENHOWEI.oc17-tf 1411 G t. n.w. CAbRt RENT121h N. H. ave. m.w., 12r. and 3 baths.... $100.0 I2112 Ward place. Sr. and bath............ 35.0125 Pa. ave. n.w.. lir. and bath.......... 40.401102 G St. me.. Or. and bath............. 1.300cd7-w MEYERS & ANIPEL1W4N. 13 G I.w.I"OH, RENT-$M PER MONTH FOR THE HANDSome new hosse 327 Elm at.. Le Drolt I-art;heated by furnace. Open daily for inspection.CHAS. E. BANE,Ocr17-St 14th and G sts..-IM RENT--BRICK 430 3D ST. N.W.; 11R.; MI.;$50.75. Brick 307 P at. n.e.: I4r.; ml.; $30.30.Bri-k store and dwelling, 1726 7th at. n.w.: br.:un.I.: $40. Brk- store and dwelling. 172s 7thSt. mw.; Or.: mi.: $37.50. All in mamplete order.J. FRE). KElLEY. Room 20. Atlantic blidg.928-30 V at. a.w. oeT-3tFOR RENT-48 M N.W.: 3-T4ORY AND aBARmodern hrick: 10 rooms and bath. furnace. &c., to Iperfect order. and high, healthy locati. Key 1with owner. 122 M. OrT-3t I,OR RENT1331 14 12r.......$0. 110 13th at, I... $P21160 13th. 12r....00 2225 G at. Sr..13.001520 Orarieoran. 10r. .50.60 Itr 1616 L st. 4r. ..1081748 Carcora,. Sr...450 720 19th at ne, ir.. .6.0JAMDI N. GREENoc17-3 711 14th at.MOR EN\T-1I3 10T1h ST. N.W.; SIX ROOMSand linth; newly papered and paintedj to thermugh order; cheapest hogae in cIty; for $25 permonth. JOHN F. PARET, 1411 G st- cli-tfP'OR RENT--1725 N. J. AVE. NW.; ANS-Nand bath bay-Window brick; goad location; nearcare; only $22.50.oc17-3t* CHAS. . DU OIS & 00.. 61 .POR IIENT-FEW DO00115 FROM BRITSH EMbasmy-12 roms. S a3 rooms em anile, withB. P. and kitchen om 1s foor; 2 bath ronas;mew ""nta"'y pdumbIn . AWPy Owner. I8I5 Nat. n.w- or17-lm -POR RENT-NEW SIX-ROOM HlOtBEE; AIL N.I.; I.ATRQBm; NOiS. 14 130. 132, 134 HECK-.MAN ST. BIl'. E AND F. iST AND 2D) 5.E.- -FACING .901'TH ON GARFI21Z) PARK; $16.30' IGmr KEYM AT NO. 138.1t* B. P. MIMMACK. 1410 0 ST.'HL RENT-ROUSE AND : TABIZ-1431 HOWA RDare.. Mt. Pleasant; B r.ooma. bath, furnace andmodern lmprovements; lot 50z143; $35 perme.Apply to WNI. 1427 Howard ae. e7-r eFOR RENT- m-.50.1436 PIerce pt. IT.-115 l seer. 2.5... .25th -ag, tr.---... -. e, $r.22.20. .151701 mt w. Sr..0. ..162 Kramer. or. 28..38 tGr. j...413 0 r sw. er 2. ..1221 7th nw. eta.S8...2520 1 mt a, ir- ...The KNltam, kga.....257h rr5r ...165 nt w. ast........00 6Th mw. ir. 25 ....2 Fa a. Str.....127 s a.3.!M .--..949h r.0. .12 eto w 1 r. . .16, StM13 herise t. G. 2 .40314 Pi5e. w rS.Me.... m2 6t vn, Ir.f .40. ...47 0h av, S5..3.21 L awse. . 9325. 00.96 Niare, StI10.12% 1 S,. 25 .50...718 Mtie aw. Sr.1..2812 Heron ate, Sr.1 2...1547 2th aw. Sr.o.1984s Wawely. 4r. 3.5.. ..12i E nw. T.11.36. .2205 Va awe, dr. 33. .. .1812 Oetoan St.......1019 1 se, Ir. M... .24 18th -. 14t....40 P st. intern. p.140 14th at *w. a.11.3..2124 10th at. Or.P M..101 7th mw, said.30..210 3 nw. ir. 38.10.206 NI av e. lt.r5.246 Brunt et.6r 4....22 21st ow. r.$256-.--.1312 3d e,Ir. $O.50..83 5thnaw. llrpLh...411 Warner. I.?$0.S0. .1720 Pa avsad.13.36...920 V aw. 6r. 40.o...M * (a, lle.1. .512 aset'd...r-.......106 me. aa. *SU2...712 Seate, S. 1 ..Kedml gt. I115....... Breklnd Sr. 4..101 am t, M.1......U1 13th me, Itr.5.00 let me. flat.*15.30.. .1120 kth me, r.0. ..1220 Mas awe, Sr.13.3.313 13 t aw. r. M.. .00 7th ow. eteee1.35.... G me, 7r.t 6...475 Ne av uw, l. ......106 12th as, St. 80..The 336.., let. I630..1 3 me, Sr. 0.46.. .24=43 w. St. r. 55.1401 saegkh..5165... .1814 2th. t. 8S. ..3TiW 3 aw.I6.00.. .320Mas mm, S. 6.. ..1128 5th nw. tr.1 M6..38 Defies Ut. Sr. M.l30iKemeaw avwltr.1 0...12 BnaSt6. 801...l96 Kue. 11.6...1125 5th n.Gr. M.05..13 Washn Gr.18.36.41 Hansver .t.Sr. 0.5.. .30 K ew, 1018.30. .1210 5th ew. Sr.I 75.1857 Reamoke tr. 125..30.. .161 4th aw. tr. 5.1..151 K aw. 12r.....0.20 m, Sr. 33....811 t av,temme$62.. .3546834 mw. Sr. 53.30.. .811 Tth ow, eta.10.5456 Washn Ut. S. B.4. . .1006 mya. 1it.10.1425 Pieme at. Sr. 5.6..00112th ow. l0r.4....US Arther. tr. 40. .628 B cv, w'base.S40.1825 N H ave. Tr. 100.2118 Para.35et.50.....Lae. . 9160..4=Q avi..15.66. .1285 01h aw. it. 00. .The Sir.121.6. .23. Earn aw. t. 30F *t1 ...Soe1-s,tuth B. . ARil & CO.. 0161F. ..FOR RENT-0N3 SQUARE E1O0K DUPONT.C(ERele, that elegant, new maasmma 2110 0 Ut. mw;brick and bewr. atme; 17 mmn nrh;blladnom; butters pantry adg anami-yaom; btwater beat; every known tmproveat;new carpetA ea erst lear and bell.; rseateedtrgh prty. Keya meat deor.eel 3. 5. M AREAfaL 66 11th at, mw.IOR RENT-1-ROOM BRllS; MAPLE AVE. (KEDre4t Park); only $25.16. (nEAP: did rout SerP60. - -3. 1. DONAWIO0N.1te 342 E t. a.w.FOR 3EN-NEAR 00KN. AVE.. 1640 K ST.: 9aent ads. AmpIl hat =t. eliwFOR RENT-ROUUIA mer atf eltoe imi -e Q mtaterNth Ckm l tt mA.. jot Going m-hO. Are bult of slm ani balt. haveMoe tller. with hm.e; geter, ie..lmbul. lm n .ow m pastry me Queamer eabat i m0 .. tee an - withal m s hath eam, oe 1m6.n eemd dser. Are papered t--gb..e ameam -emy Chap at .5 Per Weatcmms etl slow thee.B. 1. WARmXr & CO..etf-4 f F st. ew.on RENTa 6th Wa.&M.6r See 2 m. ma. 124.4LW08i 12th ow.mI.12.40 102 " m1 . ml. fr. .26.3634 G m-. im. 3r..M 800 W av;A.6M lt te. ami. Tr..21. In 1 e, ms . r...1030M4 Warair. mW.Tr. .2 4W6 F sa. mi. 41..17.0919 K ae. MLn Tr..14 'In teh sW. 4kr... W.4s512 7Th m. Gr.... 5 Zoo 4th a. 3...15.36ft Meritda w.r.14 314 136 mw. Ar ....13.010te""*'6 01s0m.0 44 : thm m. d. .11.50Di dth t LW. dr.11.X 442 iesMey w.4r.1e.OA'r iii 1lth I w.O44r.'o Matfs4, Beei.Erio.4T Kares et mwer.. 411 ltand al mu. Sr.0.5tmUNFURNmD 1100Ms.15 4% at m. 3r... St.6"4m 6th at mr. Ir.-.6.66ST a asear 319 C at W..$30A10SRear 010 Oth at mw."4Aour 02 P at m. redre st. ................ .0Bmleree et oae is Timee.0CtT.t* A. I. CAYW4OD. M I6 at. R.Ie. - o-l8 Ir 15th. Or. m.W.401 12.0t- mt. or.UM000 I t. naml... .75.49711 2K6, dr.eS -.&.18.5s= N. Rs. m... ... va1. .r.....11N 1r m .t... .ga 0 1P. or. W. g......46.e112 AL -. 6.. .4.:41 1h. 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